20 ÅR! Dag 59 och förkyld

Fyller 20 år idag :) wiiie :)

Fick lite presenter imorse:
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
4 nya bläckpennor
Ojääää :D, tack mamma och pappa :D

Kom till skolan och fick födelsedagspresent av Alice och Louise, sötgötaungarna :) en shower gel som luktade himmelskt, och två små hjärtan att ha i bad. Tack tösabitar :)

Skulle gå med Monica till gympasalen, genom korridoren, men där stod ju alla ungar, varav ungefär 2 tredjedelar visste att jag fyller år :P tog mig typ tio minuter. Sen kom jag in på Stortellus. Monica bara tittade på mig;
"Är du snabb eller?" Haha, ingen ironi där inte^^
Sen var jag med på förskoleklassens idrottslektioner :) dom är ju lite söta av sig ;) Blev lite impad att Alfred R är så jäkla stark! Han var ju mil före dom andra... xD

Sen fick jag den stora äran att äta med 3-4 grön. Dom sjöng för mig^^ sötlökar. Fast sen ägnade dom resten av lunchen åt att bråka med mig. Varför ändra sina vanor?

Sen bort till lekplatsen med fritids. Var där i 1 timme och 1 kvart, vilket var en timme för länge :P kyyyligt. Dessutom har jag blivit mer förkyld där efter, näsan är helt igensatt. Suck och stön.

Coat of many colors (Dolly Parton)

Back through the years
I go wonderin' once again
back to the seasons of my youth
I recall a box of rags that someone gave us
and how my momma put the rags to use
there were rags of many colors
every piece was small
and I didn't have a coat
and it was way down in the fall
momma sewed the rags together
sewin' every piece with love
she made my coat of many colors
that I was so proud of

As she sewed, she told a story
from the bible, she had read
about a coat of many colors
Joseph wore, and then she said;
"Perhaps this bring you
good luck and happiness"
and I just couldn't wait to wear it
and momma blessed it with a kiss

My coat of many colors
that my momma made for me
made only from rags
but I wore it so proudly
although we had no money
I was rich as I could be
in my coat of many colors
my momma made for me

So with patches on my britches
Holes in both my shoes
in my coat of many colors
I hurried off to school
just to find the others laughing
and making fun of me
in my coat of many colors
my momma made for me

And, oh, I couldn't understand it
for I felt I was rich
and I told them of the love
my momma sewed in every stitch
and I told'em all the story
momma told me while she sewed
and how my coat of many colors
was worth more than all their clothes

But they didn't understand it
and I tried to make them see
that one is only poor
only if they choose to be
Now I know we had no money
but I was rich as I could be
in my coat of many colors
my momma made for me
made just for me


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