I broke my leg, you laughed so hard

... and told the ambulance to stop at the bar

Herregud, jag älskar BFS nya låt "BFFF" (JA, det ska vara tre F :P)

Självstudier idag =) Så det har ju inte blivit så mkt gjort, kunde ni väl nästan gissa, va? :P Sovmorgon, åt frukost, beställde böcker o linser. Sen kom Anna, så vi dillade om det ena o det andra i nåra timmar. Sen mötte vi upp Ida på maxi, köpte tacosstuff o lagade till! Gottgott :D
Sen vart vi så slöa så det finns inte ord för att xD Så vi spelade lite spel. Gick bra för mig idag! :D Vann nästan varje gång :D Never happened before^^
Har dock kommit på mig själv, att när vi spelar... tror det är 30, då blir jag totalt outhärdlig. Jag kanske har nån dålig förlorar-instinkt nånstans långt där inne, nåt litet släktdrag från Lasse o Tim^^

Imorgon ska vi på litteraturföreläsning :D Ska bli förjäkla kul, hoppas jag iaf ;)
Sen thaimat! :D Yummie =)
Och åka till netonnet o köpa dator till Anna, som slutligen har tröttnat på sin^^

You are my best friend in the world.
And I hope that you know,
when we hangout together,
it's freakin' awesome.

Playing poker Friday night,
Pyromancing off golf cart races
You think that my sister's hot
I accidentally shot your finger
off your writing hand oh well,
you get disability.
I broke my leg you laughed so hard
and told the ambulance to stop at the bar.

You'll tell the world I'm gay when you hear me say
that I really and truly feel this way
not that there's anything wrong with being gay

And sometimes we punch each other in the face
like when I hit on your mom and got to second base
I'm trying to say I love you in a heterosexual way.

You fart and burp in the same key,
and I think your iPod sucks.
You make fun of my hair because yours is.. disappearing.

I've seen your penis you've seen mine
I popped your pimples you
rubbed aloe vera on my sun burnt back

you went in fits when I shit my pants
you felt my girls' brand new boobs
you asked to suck them she refused
so while you slept I shaved your head
you woke up and told me that I...

You'll tell the world I'm gay when you hear me say
that I really and truly feel this way
not that there's anything wrong with being gay

And sometimes we punch each other in the face
like when I hit on your mom and got to second base
I know you know I love you (I fringin love you dude)
I'm trying to say I love you in a heterosexual way.

You'll tell the world I'm gay when you hear me say
that I really and truly feel this way
not that there's anything wrong with being gay

And sometimes we punch each other in the face
like when I hit on your mom and got to second base
I'm trying to say I love you in a heterosexual way.


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